"Maybe Lord, I can show someone else, what I've learned myself, on my way back to you." -Kris Kristofferson

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Et tu Holly?

Yes, me too. I have decided to start a blog. I have recently come to the realization that I am a total dinosaur. I go to bed before 10p.m., I find 60 minutes sort of interesting, and I have been determined to avoid blogging at all costs. I guess the reason behind my anti-blog attitude is that I don't feel my thoughts are as interesting to others as they are to me. So why plague the Internet with them? But as a friend pointed out, I have a unique perspective on things. I can see and think of things that are so far out of the box, you'll have to take a plane and two trains to get back to the box. I suppose a perspective like that could be some-what amusing. We'll see, eh? That is all for now. I will post when random things occur to me.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Holly! I'm so excited you've joined the Blogosphere! Looking forward to your posts and random observations on life. :-)
