Lately I have been watching Louie Giglio's sermons online from Passion City Church. (You can follow this link and do the same, if you'd like.)
Today, I watched called "More Than Enough". It caught my eye I think because I have always struggled with feelings of inadequacy. I have a deep-rooted fear that I am not 'smart enough' and therefore I won't fulfill my dream of becoming a psychologist. I am always afraid I am not 'pretty enough', and therefore can't measure up to my husband's (and others') expectations. Even now as I write this, I can hardly believe the amount of fears I have that center around insufficiency.
I am not
'a good enough person'
'a good enough Christian'
'a good enough mom'
'a good enough friend'
'a good enough wife'
These insecurities eat me alive. They inject their poison into my heart, leaving me defeated, afraid, and alone before I even get started. How can I ever make a difference in anyone's life when I am so clearly lacking in every way? The answer is simple, but it is solid as stone and a thousand times as resilient.
HE is more than enough.
The proof is in John chapter six. He takes a little boy's lunch and feeds 5,000, with food to spare. He walked on water in the middle of a storm to meet his disciples. When challenged to produce something more miraculous than the manna that fell from Heaven every day for 40 years to feed the Israelites, He says that HE is the Bread of Life. Manna could not be kept over night because it would spoil, but Jesus says anyone who comes to him will no longer hunger or thirst.
Why? Because HE is enough, HE satisfies, He is the Bread of Life. When the people asked how they could receive the Bread of Life, he replied, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent".
If your life is like mine, then you are constantly plagued with fear and mistrust. Fear says "you cannot go that far or believe that much". It laughs in your face and tells you "you can NEVER do that. you are nothing!"
But Jesus says, "Yes, you can."
Yes, I can. Why? Because although I am inadequate, He is more than adequate, and when the storm of my insecurities rage and whirl around me, and I think I am about to be swallowed up, Jesus is there in the midst of it all, walking over it, using those challenges as if they were a pathway straight to me.
He meets us where we are.
He satisfies. And when he shows up in my mess and muck, he fills that void within me and makes me enough because HE is ENOUGH.
Romans 11:36 says, "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen."
All things come from God, He holds the world in his hands, and all things will return to Him in the end. He IS enough. God is so much bigger than our problems and our fears.
I love the terminology that comes from the movie, "Alice in Wonderland". When Alice returns to (Underland) there is confusion about who she really is. When she tells them that she is Alice, The Mad Hatter tells her that she has "lost her muchness." He goes on to say that she "used to be much more muchier than this". I can identify with this. I often feel like I have lost my muchness. When I let problems and fears work their way into my heart. But I have come to realize that my muchness does not come from other people, companies, universities...etc. My muchness comes from the Holy One of God, and he gives much more muchness than I could ever imagine!
So today, I cling to his promise. I believe in him with all my heart, and I believe that today, He is enough for me, and through him I can do anything. No fear is too much, no problem is too big, because He. Is. Enough.
Not sure how I goofed up the link to Passion City Church, but here is the site.