"Maybe Lord, I can show someone else, what I've learned myself, on my way back to you." -Kris Kristofferson

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Griffin, The Sea Turtle

Last night I was watching the local news and I saw a story about a sea turtle named Griffin, who had a stoke and forgot how to dive. I thought that was so sad, but very interesting at the same time. For some reason the thought never occurred to me that sea turtles,or any other animals for that matter could have strokes. I mean, I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise since sea turtles contain a lot of the basic brain functions that we do. It made me think about a few things I remember from some of the Psych courses I've taken. Like, there has been some research that suggests elephants form attachments similar to the way humans do, and they even mourn their dead. And hamsters and humans have similar auditory cortices. I think we spend a lot of time differentiating between humans and animals, and we don't always pay attention to how we are similar. I didn't intend for this to turn into a soapbox for animal rights, but hey,next time you're driving down the road and see a turtle trying to cross, think of Griffin and try to (SAFELY!!) avoid the little guy if you can.

Et tu Holly?

Yes, me too. I have decided to start a blog. I have recently come to the realization that I am a total dinosaur. I go to bed before 10p.m., I find 60 minutes sort of interesting, and I have been determined to avoid blogging at all costs. I guess the reason behind my anti-blog attitude is that I don't feel my thoughts are as interesting to others as they are to me. So why plague the Internet with them? But as a friend pointed out, I have a unique perspective on things. I can see and think of things that are so far out of the box, you'll have to take a plane and two trains to get back to the box. I suppose a perspective like that could be some-what amusing. We'll see, eh? That is all for now. I will post when random things occur to me.